Why your business needs a solution concerning an affair’s dispute?

During your business, dispute is a counterpoint. Doing business is agreeing on a positive gain for everyone.

A dispute reduces the chances of doing good business.

You have to solve your dispute in order to conduct a business more efficiently.

Why to chose an arbitration in order to solve your dispute?

Your two choises : public trial or private arbitration.

During a public trial, your competitors gather information and data about your business because they are in the courtroom, listening to your strengths and especially your weaknesses.

Instead, arbitration is provided in the strictest confidence. In the audience chamber, only you, your opponent and the arbitrator are present.

All informations and data are protected from outside…

Does an arbitration is faster than a public trial?

Time is money!

Yes! it is faster than a public trial because the arbitrator is exclusively dedicated to your case.

But faster is not worth weak. The arbitration usually provides a high level of expertise.

What is the cost of an arbitration ?

Table of fares :

Value of ClaimArbitrator fees
0€ => 50 000 €4500€ + 5%
50 001€ => 100 000€6000€ + 4 %
100 001€ => 500 000€10 500€ + 3,5%
500 001€ => 1 000 000€16 000€ + 3%
1 000 001€ => 5 000 000€25 000 + 0,6%

Plus administrative fees.

Why to choose us for your arbitration?